Lake has Crested...Again
yesterday - 778.36; today - 778.29
Still 2 feet over summer max.
From Lakeland Times
NEW RICHMOND, Wis. (AP) — The state Natural Resources Board has approved the first updates to Wisconsin’s shoreline building regulations in more than 40 years.
lake level = 778.27 (2 feet OVER DNR summer target)
Lake Level = 778.03
STERLING, Ill. (AP) -- Illinois investigators are trying to figure out what caused a fish kill on the Rock River in northwestern Illinois - between Grand Detour and Sterling.
Many have commented that the lake/river level has stayed steady - dropping just 4 inches since June 1st, and just 1.08 inches since last week Friday.
IL River Dredging
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Lakeland Times
Labels: NR115
No, really, it really is, serious, not kidding this time, no joking, for real.
Daily Jefferson County Union
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lake level = 777.52
Think the rain impacted water levels?
Brian,Don Bush of the DNR just informed me that the DNR landing/boat launch at the end of Elledale Road should be reopened yet this week - although the piers may not be in; depending on availability of equipment to reset the piers.
I live just off of Ellendale and a member of RKLD, I use the public boat launch down by the DNR. It still remains closed even though the SNW has been lifted. Any info.
Bill P.
What do you think I should recommend to the Town as a standard for the lifting of restrictions. I have not heard back from the DNR as to their opinion. The landing at the carp Pens is still closed.
The towns used to remove the S-N-W at a little above 778 and no shoreline was damaged because of it.
The town boards have to realize that once the water level drops within it natural banks (approx 779 or NOAA/NWS action stage) within is dropping rapidly (as much as 10/12”s every 6 days) and every weekend the S-N-W remains in effect is revenue lost for all of the surrounding business not just the lake & river area it also affects the county & towns.
This is so confusing...
Hello –Bob -
Just curious, where’s the prediction of water levels on the “advanced hydrological prediction service?” For more than a week now, the Rock River Newville graph has been indicating the current lake level only.
Many think so, but no, at - lake level = 777.66 - we are still about 8 inches ABOVE RKLD's requested summer operating level.
Some wake restrictions lifted from Rock River
OHWM = Ordinary High Water Mark
Added 5-14-1998
I am being swamped with comments about the slow no wake. I will post answers and comments to address all concerns shortly.
Brian Christianson,
By Kurt KruegerNews-Review Editor
On Wed, July 30, 2008, following the worst flood in Lake Koshkonong's history, the lake level was 778.57 and the slow no-wake orders were still in force.
Rock County did not remove the SNW until August 8th, when the lake level was 776.97.
Considering the lake district's lawsuit against the DNR has scientific evidence that the water levels mandated by the DNR should be raised to 777, the SNW orders were simply too restrictive and removing them one week earlier would have posed no risk to person or property.
Below is recent history of when the town and county removed the slow no wake -
Friday, May 23, 2008As you can see, removing the SNW has been an arbitrary call by the town chairmen, and then posted by Rock County.
Today's lake level is 778.66
With lake levels dropping 2+ inches per day, there is no harm in removing the SNW before this weekend.
778.00 to 778.3 seems to be a reasonable level to remove SNW orders.
Email me with your comments/suggestions, agreements or disagreements.
Lake Level -
In Rock County -
Previous Posts -
2007, 2008, and 2009...
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