Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June threatening record for most rainy days in month

From the Janesville Gazette

...As of Wednesday, the number of rainy days is tied with June 2008—the summer carp swam on Main Street in downtown Janesville. It rained 17 days that year, too.

However, those 17 days in 2008 produced 8.08 inches of rain, according to Gazette records. That was the third-wettest June on record.

So far, 5.13 inches of rain have fallen on Rock County this month.

The average number of inches is 4.1, according to Gazette records.


Lake Level = 779.41

Inflow from Jefferson

Yesterday = 5690 cfs

Today = 5370 cfs

June 1 = 1360 cfs / 777.16

Lake level increased by 27 inches this month.


Lake Expected to Crest Wednesday

See hydro info HERE


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Receive Alerts on Lake Koshkonong Water Level

Please post to blog:

The USGS has recently released the beta version of their water level alert system. It allows people to configure email or text message alerts based on any water measurement device in the USGS system. I just configured mine to alert me by email when Lake Koshkonong goes above 8.3 ft. And it looks like it will alert me tomorrow.

Thanks to David Boldt at USGS.

Ken Brey


Lake Levels Jumping-UP


Fulton Requests Slow No Wake


To: Sheriff Bob Spoden, Rock County Sheriff’s Dept.
CC: Ed Marshall, Town of Janesville; Tom Presny, Parks Director, City of Janesville; Rock County Parks Director

From: Evan Sayre, Town of Fulton Chairman

Date: June 23, 2010

Re: Slow No Wake

Due to the recent rains we are experiencing high water on the Rock River in our Township. Therefore, I am requesting that the slow, no wake ordinance be placed in effect as of Thursday, June 24th, 2010 until further notice and all landings posted.

If you have any questions, feel free to call the Town Office at 608-868-4103.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Communities limit bigger wakes

There's always something for people to complain about...

FROM Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

...The Village of Thiensville and City of Mequon, in Ozaukee County, each have adopted an ordinance - unique in Wisconsin, for now - that prohibits artificial wake enhancement.

That's what wakeboarders do by filling ballast tanks in their special boats, or using hydrofoils that pull down the stern, or just loading more people in the back of the boat.