Public hearings needed on radical - and radically different - NR115
From Lakeland Times
...By last week's end, some of those backers discovered they hadn't known what was actually in the rule. To cite one example, and without mentioning any names, some seemed flabbergasted to find out that new standards limiting impervious surfaces would be applied to properties as far away as 1,000 feet from the ordinary high water mark of a lake.
They found out only after we reported it and told them.
...So, on northern lakes, if this rule carries the day, the DNR's shoreland jurisdiction in northern Wisconsin expands from a slight nudge more than 87,000 acres to more than 1.16 million acres, an increase of 1,233 percent!
That's literally hundreds of thousands of additional lots under the DNR's thumb. That's just in northern Wisconsin, too, and it doesn't include properties along rivers and streams.
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