Thursday, January 03, 2013

Update on the Lake Koshkonong dredging

Here is an update on the Lake Koshkonong dredging and wetland restoration project: · We have developed plans and specifications for the project as described in our manual code DNR authorization and our permit issued by the Corps of Engineers. · We have the project out to bid. Bids are due January 9, and we will have an on-site pre-bid meeting on January 3. We have a fair amount of interest in this project from various bidders. · We anticipate selecting a construction contractor shortly after January 9, with work commencing as soon thereafter as possible. We want to take advantage of the low water levels on Lake Koshkonong before the spring flood – we anticipate that this project will be complete in February 2013. · The construction currently being bid includes reinforcing the existing concrete barriers at the location of the "carp barrier" at the entrance to Mud Lake, but not actual installation of the carp barrier itself. As requested in the DNR approval, we will contact DNR to confirm the design of the carp barrier prior to installation, which we anticipate will occur later in spring 2013. Pam or Travis – please let us know who you would like us to contact on the carp barrier design. · We anticipate having a representative of Great Lakes Archaeological at the preconstruction meeting, and will also invite a representative from Ho Chunk to attend this meeting.
