Update on Dredge to Town of Sumner
Thanks for speaking with me about this project. It's clear that we're going to need to move quickly to have the appropriate town approvals and agreements in place, and I apologize for the rush, especially considering the holidays.
I've attached four drawings that generally describe the project. Based on our conversations, here's a list of the issues that I think we need to address:
Operating hours
As we discussed at the town board meeting, we will specify that the hours of operation will be from 7 AM to 6 PM, seven days a week.
Access roadways
As we discussed just now, Sheet 1 of the attachments shows the construction access being via Burnham Road and North Shore Rd. We will revise that to show access only along North Shore Rd. from Highway 106 in the Town of Koshkonong. We need to obtain whatever approval is required from the Town of Sumner for use of this roadway. As you suggested, we will contact Kim Cheney at the Town of Koshkonong to discuss construction traffic on their portion of North Shore Rd.
Lamp Road restoration agreement
The construction documents state that the preferred route for hauling dredged lakebed sediment to the fill section adjacent to Mud Lake (refer to Sheet 2) is by off-road truck haul on the bed of Lake Koshkonong. However, we have identified transport along Lamp Road as an alternate haul route. Based on our discussion of the Town Board meeting, significant truck traffic along Lamp Road is anticipated to create damage to the existing paving. We need to develop a repair agreement including any conditions or procedures that the Town of Sumner needs for this use. I understand that you will have Glendan contact me tomorrow morning on this issue.
Project schedule
The project will be out to bid soon. We anticipate receiving bids on January 9 and the Rock Koshkonong Lake District board could award the contract as early as January 10. The contract award will include a notice to proceed that will specify the earliest date that the contractor can be on-site. As we discussed, we would like to take advantage of current low water conditions on Lake Koshkonong and get this work completed before the spring flood (if we have one!), meaning that we would like to allow the contractor to begin work as soon after January 10 as possible. Again, I regret putting you in a "rush" situation on this, and we will accommodate any meeting schedule that you need to complete approvals that are needed.
Notification of local residents
As I mentioned at the town board meeting, we anticipate sending brief project notice descriptions to residents that are near the construction access at the North Shore launch ramp or along Lamp Road, which will describe the purpose, schedule and approximate layout of the project. Will provide a copy of this notice to the town hall, and if you have any specific suggestions on who should receive notices, please let us know.
Contact persons
Montgomery Associates is the design engineer for this project, retained by the Rock Koshkonong Lake District. I'm the principal in charge at Montgomery Associates and can be reached at either our office number or my personal cell phone, shown below. Siggi Sigmarsson is the project engineer, and can be reached at our office. Siggi will likely be the primary person on-site during construction. Debbie Hatfield is in charge of construction documents for this project, and she can also be contacted in our office.
Brian Christianson, chairman of the Rock Koshkonong Lake District board is available for questions and discussions on this project. His phone number is 608-884-9444.
The Rock Koshkonong Lake District has an agreement with the Twin Island Gun Club for construction of this project. The Twin Island Gun Club contact is Rick Gerke, at phone number 920-650-2157.
We depreciate knowing the "go to" contact folks for the Town of Sumner as the project moves forward.
Thanks very much for helping us get this project underway. We want to make sure that the Town's concerns are addressed to your satisfaction, before, during and after construction of this project.
Labels: County - Local Regulation, Dredging
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