Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dredging Update 12-18-12

Here's the status of things for the experimental project:

1.      The bid documents are out – the advertisement to bidders was published last Thursday and will again be published this Thursday in the Fort and Janesville papers.  The advertisement will be published in the Edgerton and Milton papers Wednesday this week.  We have had several bidders contact us already to pick up documents or have sent them electronically.  We are maintaining a bidders list.

2.      As a reminder, the pre-bid meeting is mandatory for all prime bidders and will be on-site at 1 PM January 3 (Thursday).  I will see if we can get inside at the restaurant in case it's really cold.

3.      Bids are due at 10 AM Wednesday, January 9 at the Mars offices in Cottage Grove.  We will open the bids and read them aloud to whoever is here, and provide you a tabulation of the bids late Thursday.

4.      We have noted in the advertisement to bidders that the RKLD board could award this contract as early as January 10.  Have you scheduled a board meeting?

5.      We will contact Great Lakes Archeological and will have them available for the pre-bid and pre-construction meetings.

6.      We will send an email to Pam Biersach at DNR confirming status of the project.

7.      We will contact the Corps in Waukesha about the pre-construction meeting, although we don’t have that scheduled yet.

8.      I looked on the RKLD website for a press release or some announcement on the grant in the project but didn't see anything.  Have you issued something or do you have an interview coming up that we should know about?

9.      We have submitted for a Jefferson County floodplain ordinance approval for the fill within the floodfringe defined area of Lake Koshkonong, you were copied on Friday.  I don't anticipate any problems.  We will keep you posted.

10.  We have contacted the Town of Sumner on the Lamp Road restoration issue.  I will send a draft restoration agreement out to Bill today based on examples we have in our office for his editing and transmittal to you tomorrow and also to the Town.  The Town also has a permit process for general access on town roads which may be somewhat onerous for the contractors to deal with.  We'll find out more about it from the town clerk and give that information to contractors at the pre-bid conference.

11.  I will send the twin island gun club folks a care package with the permits and key dates for the bidding and contracting process.

12.  Tall grass Restoration has given us a hourly cost for providing on-site staff as needed during construction.  We agreed that it made the most sense to talk about restoration of wetland access road damage as and if it actually is needed, which we should know by February.  They will decide in February or March if they want to donate services for the wetland restoration planning, monitoring and maintenance, or whether they will simply bid the project.
