Monday, August 02, 2010

Question from the Annual Meeting _ UPDATED

Hi, my name is Rich Plywacz, I was wondering if you could tell me the name of the lake up north, where they were granted permission to raise water level.

My next question is, why you did not recognize my hand,July 24th at the end of the meeting. I must have raised it 5 or 6 times ?

Do participants that want to speak, or ask a question are they limited to time, or number of questions, or comments?

Mr. Plywacz -

If my memory is correct, you spoke from the mic several times. I even had our hydrologist answer your questions directly, and although you did not seem to agree with the experts in this field of science, I continued to let you speak.

As in all government meetings, the chair reserves the right to limit time and/or frequency granted to each individual. No other individual spoke as long, or as frequent, as you.

I permitted this because your questions were reasonable and thoughtful. However, you were also asking questions that previous annual meetings have addressed in great detail. So, to be courteous of others in attendance, and their time, the chair moved forward with the agenda.

Attached are 2 files – the WORD doc is the RKLD, the PDF doc is the WDNR reply -- both are directed at the Appellate Court from April 1st of this year.

Brian Christianson
Chair, RKLD


Well I just want you to know, the last comment I was going to make at the Annual meeting, was that I thought the RKLD board was doing a fine job. I know people never agree on everything, but there has to be leadership. I thank you for the your time, sending me the info on Eagle Lake.
