Friday, August 10, 2007

More Chatter on Lake Links

The RKLD supports recreational boating, not hunting and fishing. That is my problem with them.

What is the DNR's angle or benefit? I see them being accused of somehow intentional wrong doing here. Just wondering why as usually for a person or entity to do harm to others they would need to perceive benefit to self.

Anyone notice how late the spring floods came this year? It didn't correspond directly to ice out. Anyone notice how little actual percipitation it took to cause this, how long it lasted and how quickly it happened.

Then when it gets dry as it always does the lake goes down. Way down. Why can't THAT be stopped? Now I may not be a hydrologist but something here is askew. What is the point of facilitating potential (pretty much yearly) flooding in the spring when the lake is determined to return to its chosen state? Maybe what I consider common sense runs counter to whatever hydrographic data that was purchased supporting higher lake levels. Westsidebenny

Westsidebenny, Are you telling us that RKLD purchased the Hydrology study and the there PhD Hydrologist, DNR & USGS all collaborated together and it is made up data to support RKLD?

Seems to me your common sense in not what you think it is.

What I'm trying to say is what is the point of trying to raise the water? It doesn't work. Early this spring, every spring for that matter, you could probably find an average depth of 7 feet over the rockpile. What is it now three feet? The deepwater, if you can call it that, occurs when and only when the lake is at or beyond its shorelines. Yet no matter how high it gets it seems that the level is not maintainable at what some would like.

Who did pay for the reports? Someone did, nothing is free in this world. Why is the DNR fighting the RKLD? Why are they wrong? Educate me as to how my viewpoint is wrong. I will listen to any arguments. Tell me why you beleive this lake would be better off at a higher level.

To be continued - above.......