Thursday, August 09, 2007

Westsidebenny Posting - From Lakelinks

You couldn't be more right on about what you're getting at. The whole deal is 100% politics and a couple of loudmouths.

Look at it this way, one or three people have a stake in ciggerette boats being able to navigate the waterway. The rest....well you be the judge.

This lake is better off being what it wants to be. I have made the anology before but will do so one more time. A dish holds less water than a bowl...can you guess which one the Kosh is?

Edit: Would like to add. I am not sure what the official stance of the RKLD is but that aside I retract nothing from the above statement. Why should it be taboo to openly discuss important lake matters where more than a few sets of eys will see?

The fluctuations the kosh goes through are the same as anywhere but less depth to start with. This can't be helped by flooding out residents in the spring, ruining shorelines, etc,etc,etc. It will never be allowed to reach its potential as both a duck and fish factory because of money and politics...and to because it would so boldly change its shorelines.

A lot of people also think the low water kills the fishery. Especially in the winter. The truth is this type of basin fishery is always going to be a fickle maidon. The fish don't die off in droves. They do move around though. Find them and your in shangrila...otherwise its the dead sea.

I don't want to get all worked up here tonight but there ya be. If you want the whole picture you might want to look at pre 1930's koshkonong (pre Indian Ford Dam). I don't think anyone really wants to return to that(on account of every lakefront property would have a few hundred yards of cattails in front of it) but from all accounts it was a duck and fish paradise.

Well I'm sure some real experts will now step up to refute what I've written. I hope when they do they also state what their motivation is.