Monday, April 09, 2007

Westsidebenny Posting II

From Lake Links, 4-9-07

I freely admit that the nature of this lake is prone to flooding. Indian Ford dam is clearly not going to be removed. Large drainage area, including Horicon + huge shallow basin downstream, followed by a neckdown = excellent flooding potential. However, this highly ignorant man (me), fails to see how higher levels would make no difference. The way I read that is since it floods anyways why not just let er' come up a bit more.

Do a little experiment. Fill a cup with water. Try dumping it in a bowl. Next try dumping it on a plate (Kosh is the plate not the bowl). There is very little room on this plate for more water.

My family has been on this Lake since the 1930's and with the exception of a few "event's" over the years one thing is clear. It takes less water now to cause a flood. It happens faster and recedes slower. Beyond that how long do you really think the proposed 7" would keep proponents happy.

My guess would be that in a couple more years the request would be for another 7". After all there are a lot of big boats from the land of Lincoln that ding their stainless props and we can't have that!