Westsidebenny Posting - RESPONSE
The statement below gets right to the heart of the uninformed people who have no idea what their talking about:
The dam was erected back in the mid 1800’s and the height of the dam was lowered in 1919 and is the same height today as 1919, but back then they closed the dam continuously except during high water flow periods whereas now the DNR mandates it to be open till there is hardly enough water for fish to swim.
The first thing he needs to understand is that back 100/150 years ago there was a migratory flyway in Wisconsin with breeding grounds above Wisconsin, which are now grain fields with little or no wetlands.
The US Fish & Wildlife and Ducks Unlimited efforts to develop breeding grounds west of the Mississippi River Flyway in Canada has changed the flight movement of migratory birds far to the west of the Wisconsin Migratory Fight path. Koshkonong would not revert back to what is was regarless of the water levels. The low water advocates can dream but that will not change the facts.
One only has to look over too the Mississipi River or Horican and they will see that the flyway of migratory birds is almost nill compared to before the USFW & DU created the breeding grounds westward in Canada and that the Mississippi Flyway dissapeared except in minds of the few.
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