Monday, March 04, 2013

Dredging Update 3-4-13

Construction is 95% complete.
·         Remaining work includes minor grading in the dredge area, completing the work on the carp gate and setting the final placement of the gravel at the back of the dredge placement area, finishing the installation of the  temporary stabilization measures, installing the settling plates, finishing the boat launch, removing the silt curtain, removing the tubing used for artesian well control, and removing the traffic controls when snowmobile traffic is no longer a concern.
·         When I was on site, the silt logs for temporary stabilization were due to be installed that day.
·         MARS will work with Badgerland to develop a modified carp gate anchorage design to provide a more secure base by using steel construction. This modified design will be clarified the week of March 4th for installation the week of March 11th.
·         With the project nearing completion, one more weekly inspection will be performed the week of March 11th, and then the site will be inspected on a three-week basis until permanent stabilization has occurred.
