Sunday, August 03, 2008

Email Re; Flooding

Mr Christianson,
I would like to with draw my property from the lake district. I have never supported the Lake District from the very start, And even less now. My home was flooded this year first time in 30 years. Now you want to raise the water level 7" so I am thanking if it was lower by 1 foot it would have saved a lot of property owners some big$$$$. For who I ask. My property address N1665 Groeler Rd
Town Of Koshkonong.

Jack Mays

Mr. Mays -

WI State Statutes (Chapter 33.33) provides the process for detachment.

Did you happen to attend the annual meeting? Hydrologist Rob Montgomery presented a terrific PowerPoint, indicating why current lake levels have no impact on flood behavior or severity.

We will post it on the website soon.