Sunday, October 07, 2007

DNR: I was wrong then, but I am right now...

From the Green Bay Press Gazette HERE

Politicians on board to reverse DNR secretary mistake

...Though he formerly supported the cabinet designation, Anthony S. Earl, former Democratic governor of Wisconsin, former DNR secretary and former leader of the State Assembly, said he no longer holds that position.

..."When I was in the Legislature, I supported a cabinet form of government for the DNR..."
- Former Governor Tony Earl

...Earl said he and former Gov. Patrick Lucey, also a Democrat, backed legislation to create a cabinet position...

...George Meyer was DNR secretary when he was retained by Gov. Tommy Thompson, a Republican, as the first cabinet secretary.

"George Meyer tiptoed around, always afraid of getting dumped," Earl said


I am against the job, unless I am appointed to it. Then, I am uncomfortable serving, unless my guy becomes governor....