Thursday, September 27, 2007

Meteorological Satellite Imagery

Just in time for Duck Season Opener on Saturday Morning --

A weblog of meteorological satellite imagery relevant to current weather events -- The intent of this weblog is to showcase examples of some of the meteorological satellite images and products that are available to (or created by) scientists and researchers at the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), located at the University of Wisconsin - Madison’s Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC).

...meteorological radar signature of bird “roost rings” was observed.

Large numbers of birds dispersed from their nocturnal roost sites during the early morning hours to begin feeding, and as the flock crossed the radar beam, ring-like signatures were seen on the Milwaukee/Sullivan radar composite reflectivity product as the birds spread out across the area.

Tt least two of the roost rings appear to have originated from the general vicinity of some of the larger (warmer) lakes noted on the MODIS and GOES IR imagery above: Beaver Dam Lake (located northeast of Madison), and Lake Koshkonong ...