Monday, July 16, 2007

River duty just another patrol

From the Beloit Daily News

...On Thursday evening, I took a ride with the Rock County Sheriff's Department Boat Patrol with deputies Matt Pyne and Craig Keller, as they patrolled the Rock River in Beloit and the Town of Beloit.

“It's just another patrol day, except I'm on the water instead of the highway,” Pyne said.

The sheriff's department has three patrol boats and one air boat. Pyne, who has been with the sheriff's department for 10 years, has done his fair share of patrolling the waters. Keller was hired as a deputy in April and being on the patrol boat is part of his training. Keller is also on the dive team for rescue operations.

Deputies from the sheriff's department try to come to the river in Beloit a couple of times a week. Pyne pointed out there are other bodies of water in the county needing patrol, like Clear Lake and Lake Koshkonong.

“It's a lot of water ways for one boat to cover,” he explained.