Sunday, July 15, 2007

Power-loaders leave destruction in wakes

From the Green Bay Press Gazette HERE

When asked to name bush-league breeches of boat-ramp etiquette, some of us cite headlights left glaring while someone loads or launches a boat at night, or lone cars hogging slots reserved for vehicles with trailers.

...To be fair, most people who power on or off trailers expertly position their trailer and use a velvet throttle to nudge their boat forward or backward. An experienced, conscientious two-person team needs only seconds to quietly get in or out.

A few goobers, however, use the throttle to cover their every shortcoming, be it their masculinity or failure to stop their trailer at its proper depth. The roar of their 200-horsepower engine and shallow-running propeller mimics a carrier-launched F-18.

Worse, their prop-wash blasts sand, gravel and sediments from beneath and behind the ramp's cement landing. The cumulative scouring digs holes up to 10 feet deep at fragile landings, causing cement or blacktop to cave in.