Fort Atkinson Gauge
I noticed from your link to the USGS website last week that the gauge at the FOrt Atkinson station was reading tremendous high flows, then zero flows, then negative flows, then back to high flows. That can't be wave action, can it?
The AVM at that site went bad, parts are on order, and it is scheduled for repair the week of 6/12.
They replaced the AVM yesterday (6/12).
It has to be calibrated with a series of measurements but stage and velocity - should be working.
The installation went well. Some program and decodes need to be changed before the web page will show the correct velocity. More measurements need to be made before the discharge can calibrated.
Q. How soon before we have a functional gauge?
A. It sounds like it will be a month or so. As the flows change they will get more measurements over the range to develop a rating. They measured @ 1100 cfs yesterday.
A. Hopefully by the end of the month I'll have something temporary that should be close to the correct discharge.
The problem is that when you change one of these out, unless it is the exact same type of unit, you need to treat it like a new site. This new meter should work much better than the old one with much cleaner data. We need to collect a wide range of discharges so we can come up with an equation to apply to the velocity the new meter is giving to us.
So there really isn't a way right now to get the discharge from this site.
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