Monday, April 21, 2014

Rock River Flood Inundation Mapping Project Update

I wanted to let everyone know that Terry Zien, USACE St. Paul District, called me on Friday and advised that the USACE is still waiting for funding for the proposed Flood Inundation Mapping Project for the Rock River  (yes, it is still alive!)  The USACE is waiting for their FFY 14 budget and have been operating under a continuing resolution.  Those projects submitted last year are being considered for funding in the FFY14 budget.  Shirley Johnson along with WDNR have done some work, but can’t move forward until there is an approved budget.  Terry advised that they are expecting to receive funding soon.   

It’s like FEMA, we are still waiting for funding for last year’s PDM grants, yet FEMA is asking for applications for this year! 

In any event, I’m pleased that the project still has movement. 

Roxanne K. Gray
Mitigation Section Supervisor
State Hazard Mitigation Officer

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