Tuesday, April 01, 2014

RKLD and Mother Nature Just Proved the Value of a higher SNW Trigger

So what did the new SNW ordinance accomplish this Spring?

Simply, it bought us another week of boating.

Under the old gestapo County rules, the SNW order would have been imposed a week ago.

This time of year, with snow piles still remaining and water temps near freezing, this might sound like an insignificant point.

However, for those years when lake levels jump (or decline) adjacent to a holiday weekend - Memorial Day in May, Independence Day in July, Labor Day in September - the week that the RKLD bought is very significant.

--- It is the difference between getting the kids and grandkids out on the tubes and skis, or having them spend a summer "boating" holiday in front of the tv with their IPads...

--- It enabled the UW Crew Team to stay on the river a week longer training…

--- It enables the fishing boats to get to their honey holes on plane, rather than plowing a wake into my pier (which is set too low, so I am not complaining).

Sometimes, we forget - 
...during flood conditions, the dam is little more than a speed bump, it does not hold water back; 

...during drought conditions, the dam can hold back water for a short time, stretching the recreational season a week or so.

These are the fights RKLD says is worth having, and Mother Nature is proving our motives are correct and justified today.

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