Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Rock River Trail Initiative Council Meeting - Thursday

Rock River Trail Initiative Council Meeting
Thursday, January 16, 2014
1:00 – 4:00 PM
Edgerton Public Library
101 Albion Street
Edgerton, Wisconsin 53534
608 884-4511
(Use driveway on left of library to large parking lot - 
enter library from rear door - meet in large conference room)


1.  Welcome and Introductions – Dave Hoffman,  Meeting Chair

2.  Welcome to Edgerton - Ramona Flanagan, City Administrator of Edgerton

3.  Approve minutes of October 10, 2013 Council meeting held in Byron, Ill.

4.   What is needed to complete signage for Rock River Water Trail? - county by county

5.  Status of sign purchase and installation for Rock River Trail Scenic and Historic Route - 
Wisconsin and Illinois - Greg Farnham

6.  Ceremonies for opening of the Rock River Trail Scenic and Historic Route in Illinois

7.  Celebration (formal opening) ceremony for designation of the Rock River Water Trail
 as a National Water Trail - Frank Schier

8.  Status of the Rock River Trail Bike Route in Illinois - Dean Mathias
and in Wisconsin - Greg Farnham

9.  Tourism/economic development workshop in Beloit November 22nd - Dave Schreiber

10.  Status of sculpture and art of the Rock River project  - Debbie Thompson

11.  Status of RRTI sponsorship, contributions and grants - Frank Schier

12.  Website needs

13.  Other business

14.  Next Meeting Date and Venue

15.  Adjournment
