Friday, September 03, 2010

Dredging Update: Comments on Lake Tour with WDNR yesterday

On Site Observations Continue.....

Well we dodged the rain for the most part and gave Pam Biersach and Wendy Frohlich a good tour of the lake and had an interesting two hours with Jeff Hanson of Midwest Floating Islands.

I think Wendy and Pam both felt better about actually seeing the lake shores, especially the ones on the east side where the waves were hitting yesterday and all of the tree tips around the lake.

They also got a sense of how shallow the water is in many places near the developed shores. We had good discussions throughout the day about the big picture list of large projects and the shorter list of pilot projects and where these would be best considered.

We decided to have another roundtable discussion with all parties and staff in the next two weeks.
