Questions from the May 13 Workshop
Note: The following questions will be answered in the EA and Management Plan either in a Q/A section or other selected sections of the plans.
1. What can we do about the Ice pushing the sand and gravel onto the beach, southwest end of lake near Koshkonong Drive? MAR
2. Can we use the old fish hatchery on the North west end of the lake? DNR & Steve Hjort
3. Can we ring natural springs that would provide clean cool water for different fish species? MAR and DNR
4. Can we create rows of islands to deflect and cannel the Rock River through the lake thus moving sediments along? MAR
5. How many Islands will it take to reduce the wave action on the Lake? MAR
6. How close do the islands have to be to the shore to reduce wind driven waves? MAR
7. What structure does an Island have to have to provide habitat in the lake? DNR
a. What species will use the habitat? Steve Hjort
8. Can the lake ever have a long flowing channel? MAR
9. Who owns the islands that are created and can they be sold? DNR
10. Do we know where the original channel of the Rock River is in the lake? MAR
11. Why is the lake drawn down so low at the end of October? DNR
12. What can we do about flood control? MAR & USACE
13. How do we improve water quality? All – Large Picture/Part of Study
How do we improve water level management throughout the seasons? DNR (remove determined by team meeting on the 17 May 10)
14. Does the increased sediment loads in the river and lake increase flooding? MAR
15. What does the increased sediment in the lake have to do with water level control? MAR
16. How do you increase vegetation on the shoreline areas? All – Large Picture/Part of Study
17. How much dredging will be needed to be done forever to keep any improvement from going back to what it is now? All with MAR as the lead.
18. Why is there a water level fluctuation during the summer? MAR
19. How do we remove the great algae blooms? DNR
20. Is Lake Delavan similar to Lake Koshkonong and can we learn from what they did? DNR
21. Are there costs to help with windmills? MAR
22. Are springs in the lake blocked by sediment? MAR
23. Can the community erect wind power turbines to create an income? MAR
24. What effect do wind turbines have on ducks and other bird life? MAR
25. What control does Indian Ford Dam provide during flooding? Can you explain? MAR
26. Tributaries to the Rock River through Lake Koshkonong bet backed up can we do anything for that? MAR
27. What kind of shoreline habitat is good for fish? DNR with help from Steve Hjort
28. Why do I have 20 feet of mud in front of my house before I reach the lake? Can this be removed? MAR
a. Can we add fill to that mud or excavate it? DNR & MAR
29. Would it help to dredge in front of our homes and the further out build a wall that stopped the wave action? MAR & DNR
30. How can we control lake shore erosion? DNR – All, Large Picture/Part of Study
31. How do we improve fishing on the lake? DNR – All, Large Picture/Part of Study
32. Why are the sand flies so prevalent? What is their life cycle? DNR
33. How can we get plants to grown on the bottom? What are the limiting factors? DNR, All – Large Picture/Part of Study
34. Tell us about the Carp factories? Where are they? DNR
35. Can we get a map with all the creek names on them? MAR
36. Can we establish floating barriers to decrease wave action, similar to natural conditions with aquatic vegetation? DNR & USACE & MAR
37. Over 30 years we have lost at least 20 feet of shore can you predict how much more we will lose? MAR/All
38. The marshes are freezing to the bottom affecting turtles and other amphibians can we change this with water level control? DNR/All
39. Why can we not maintain water levels in August and September? DNR
40. If the lake were deeper would more sediment be carried down the river? DNR
41. How does the phosphorous affect the vegetation? DNR
42. If there were no carp and all the nutrients remained what would the lake look like? DNR
43. Why can’t we increase the overall water level postpone the inevitable? DNR
44. How do you control phosphorous in the lake? DNR
45. Where do the lake flies come from and how do you get rid of them? DNR
46. If dredging is done, how long before the islands drift back into the lake? MAR
47. What percentage of the lake shore is rip-rapped? MAR
48. Can the DNR rip rap its property? DNR
49. Can some dredged material be used to fill low residential areas around the lake? DNR
50. How many islands are required? MAR
51. Who is responsible for islands? DNR
52. How do we fund all these activities? USACE
a. Do we have a budget?
b. What are the priorities?
53. Can you tell me the whole process as you see it? USACE & DNR
54. What can we do for mollusks? DNR
55. How many old septic systems are around the lake?
56. Wave action encourages particles to become re-suspended, if you can cut down the wave action, will there be more sedimentation? All, MAR
57. What projects of similar type have been done in other places that can be examined as models? All
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