Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lake input sought at workshop

From the Daily Jefferson County Union -

The public is invited to an informational meeting and workshop concerning improvements to Lake Koshkonong on Thursday, May 13.

The session will take place from 7 to 9 p.m. at Fort Atkinson High School.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers based at Rock Island, Ill., in partnership with the Rock-Koshkonong Lake District and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, is beginning a comprehensive planning process for Lake Koshkonong. The objective is the long-term enhancement of Lake Koshkonong, including improved recreational opportunities, enhancement of wildlife and fishery resources, wetland protection, improvement of waterfowl habitat, and improved navigation access to the lake, bordered by Jefferson, Dane and Rock counties.

The project is being implemented under the Corps of Engineers' Planning Assistance to States Program. The Rock-Koshkonong Lake District's participation is supported by the legislative grant recently awarded for planning improvements on Lake Koshkonong.

This marks the first of three workshops to be held during the project so the public may present their ideas for improving Lake Koshkonong.

This meeting's agenda includes a description of the planning process, a brief summary of environmental data on Lake Koshkonong and the Rock River within the Rock-Koshkonong Lake District, breakout sessions to provide participants the opportunity to express their ideas on Lake improvements, and a summary of ideas generated, and discussion of how the planning will continue.

As project concepts are developed, two additional public meetings/workshops will be held.

Those unable to attend the first meeting are invited to visit the Rock-Koshkonong Lake District website to view ideas presented at the workshop and post their ideas. The public also may contact the following:
Steve Russell, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, (309) 794-5847;
Brian Christianson, Rock-Koshkonong Lake District, (608) 884-9444,
Pam Biersach, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, (608) 275-3282.
