Jefferson County - FEMA Update
Brian - It is my hope beyond hope we hear today.
FEMA came out on the 20th, they have been taking two days (Saturday, Monday). Our last crest was on Saturday the 21st. FEMA visited counties that were hit first, not the worst. They had to get into the counties that received damages from the initial heavy rains received on the 7th and 8th. Those counties are in recovery now.
We are just getting out of response to recovery. If FEMA came out sooner, they would not have seen the maximum affect of the high water.
Please believe me that we are doing everything we can to help the citizens of Jefferson County. I understand some people believe they have been forgotten. That is not the case - we understand their devastation and we continue to provide support and information. Thank you.
Donna C. Haugom, Director
Jefferson County Office Of
Emergency Management
920-674-7450 (Office)
920-674-7122 (FAX)
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