Flooding racks up overtime in Rock County
...The sheriff’s office’s goal was to maintain a strong presence in flooded areas, Spoden said.
“That served two purposes,” Spoden said. “It offered a little bit of comfort and security to those affected and acted as a deterrent for those who see this as an opportunity to loot or scam people.”
The county provided some workers at no cost. Jail inmates in Community RECAP filled sandbags and built retaining walls for nine days straight, Spoden said.
What he’ll remember from his tours of the flood is the uplifting sight of neighbors, volunteers and inmates working alongside each other.
“You had an event that probably will never occur again in our lifetime,” Spoden said. “The commitment of neighbors to help each other—that’s the thing we can take from this dark cloud, from the sadness and the property destruction. That’s something you can’t put a price on.”
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