Friday, July 07, 2006

DNR: One-Sided Data Collection

This post is in response to this request


RKLD’s water level request was formally submitted to DNR in April 2003.
The Lake Koshkonong Wetland Association (LKWA) was formed in 2003.

From end of April though July, 2004, the DNR and LKWA exchanged emails in what appears as coordinating their opposition to the RKLD water level request. DNR recruited organizations such as LKWA, among others, who traditionally are supportive of DNR positions – land conservation organizations, etc. DNR Sue Joseff said this was a “common” practice.

DNR allies were asked to document lake levels at 777.0.

The DNR draft Environmental Assessment (EA) was public in December 2004. A public hearing was held in January 2005. The EA was finalized in March 2005.

What is telling is the DNR recruited opposition and solicited supporters in preparation of finalizing their EA yet DNR chose not to reach-out to riparian landowners/businesses in equal fashion.

DNR Sue Joseff was asked if residential/ individual riparian owners were asked to document the impact of 777.0 on their shoreline as the wetland/hunt clubs were directed – answer, no.

Were recreational users of the lake emailed to collect impact of 770.0 on their pier lengths? DNR reply; no. Impact on boat lifts? DNR reply; no. Did anyone at DNR email the recreation associations (LKRA, RRKA) regarding the impact of 777.0 on the public access boat ramps? DNR reply; no.
Clearly, the DNR had their minds made up regarding the RKLD’s request for a change in the operating orders long before their EA was finalized.
