DNR Showing-Up With Memos
Bureaucrats are famous for their love of paper, and this week's kick-off of Expert Testimony put that fact on display.
During the pre-trial hearing late last fall at the library in Fort Atkinson, ground rules were established for the Contested Case Hearing. All parties, DNR, RKLD, et. al, agreed to pre-filing testimony from their respective expert witnesses.
Scroll down here.
The intent was to save time. Witnesses would take their seat, agree that the testimony they had previously submitted was still valid and accurate, and then cross-examination could proceed.
The benefit to this process is/was, all parties would see testimony prior to the hearing and prepare their cross accordingly.
Cross-examination testimony was to be verbal responses, yet, the DNR Expert Witnesses have arrived with yet more written testimony; testimony that RKLD, RRKA and LKRA attorneys have not seen prior to the hearing.
The judge has ruled written presentations, even a DNR PowerPoint presentation, admissible.
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