Thursday, September 15, 2005

A $200,000 Windfall for DNR Projects

How did Jefferson County find the money for a fish ladder currently being constructed at the dam in Jefferson?

The old-fashion way, through a lawsuit settlement

Neighbors Standing United (NSU) and the Wisconsin Wetland Association (WWA) requested a contested case hearing regarding issuance of DNR permits for a gas pipeline; believing that the permits were inadequate to protect the affected wetlands and aquatic systems.

Below is a summary of the violations and the settlement that Attorney General Peg Lautenschalger's Dept. of Justice reached with Guardian Pipeline:

Guardian Pipeline Permit Violations

· Deposition of sediment in wetlands crossed by the pipeline
· Deposition of sediment in wetlands adjacent to the right of way
· Failure to erect erosion control fences
· Unnecessary and uncontrolled erosion
· Unapproved grading on the banks of navigable waters
· Improper and erroneous delineation of wetlands
· Incorrect translation of delineated wetland boundaries to actual field marking
· Failure to wash vehicles to prevent the spread of non-native species, which is a form of environmental pollution
· Failure to maintain erosion control best management practices
· Erosion of soil stockpiles
· Diversion of water from streams
· Failure to place and use timber riprap mats
· Placement of trench spoils on top of erosion control devices
· Placement of trench spoils outside of designated rights-of-way
· Use of over ground-weight construction equipment, resulting in permanent damage to wetlands
· Failure to maintain erosion control in a timely manner following storm events

Allocation of Guardian Pipeline Settlement Funds

· $17,000 towards installation of a fish ladder on the Jefferson Dam on the Rock River
· $25,000 to the Jefferson County Land Trust for acquisition of property, easements and development rights for wetland preservation in the area of the pipeline
· $20,000 to the University of Wisconsin (through UW Extension) for a well-designed wetland restoration project in the pipeline area in Jefferson County, led by Professor Joy Zedler
· $38,000 to Pheasants Forever and the Audubon Society for a large (2700 acres together with a companion 1700 acres nearby) wetland restoration project called the Jefferson Marsh.

In addition, the DNR has agreed to provide WWA and the property owners additional input into wetland restoration issues, and has agreed to a number of provisions which we believe will improve the prospects for restoration of more of the wetlands impacted by the Guardian Pipeline project.